Malmö Guided Tours

Malmö Guided Tours offers a variety of unique experiences to suit every traveler. Solo or in a group, discover the perfect tour for you in Malmö and the scenic Scania region. Unforgettable adventures await!

Malmö Guided Tours

Find your tour below

Malmö is a modern and vibrant town that is the capital and hub of Southern Sweden. Being Danish for 400 years until conquered by Sweden, Malmö was once the second biggest city in Denmark and is still today Copenhagen’s sister just across the narrow Øresund strait, of which the old town still tells. 

There is also the possibility to visit the 54th floor of Turning Torso which offers a fantastic view of Malmö and the strait with a short talk about the building. We complete your tour of Malmö.

NEWS during 2025 is that we also have guided tours in Lund! Check it out..

2 h
bantorget 1, Lund

NEW! Guided walking tour Lund - groups

Lund, with its students, bicycles and historic buildings, is unique in every way. Visit the Cathedral, Kulturen, the Botanical Gardens, the University and other historical…
3 hours
Malmö Central station

Malmo Private Bike Tour

See malmö on a bike! We will take you to places a bit from city and get to know malmö a little bit more….
Malmö Skyline
2 hours
Malmö city

Guided walking tour Malmö City

Discover the Swedish town of Malmo during this 2-hour tour with an audio guide. This is a guided walking tour in Malmö….
2 hours
Hyllie, Malmö

Guided walking tour Malmö - Hyllie, Group

Get to know the newest area in Malmö Hyllie. Here we have a huge connection to the rest of europe and a very exiting area…
2,5 hours
malmö city

Guided Food tour Malmö city

A stroll in Malmö city with all the new and old parts. This will definitely be enjoyable. We will serve you some lunch from the…
2,5 hours
Hotel Quality view Hyllie, Malmö

Guided food tour Malmö Hyllie Group's

Take part of the new city in Malmö. You will also get som really good lunch with local food and drink…

star rating  Vi var en grupp på åtta personer som fick en guidad cykeltur på engelska. Mycket behagligt tempo på säkra cykelbanor (för det mesta). Både de svenska och de utländska gästerna... read more

avatar thumb Erika B
January 1, 1970

star rating  Det mest oorganiserade företaget jag någonsin har bokat med resan rådgivare.
Beskrivningen var väldigt dålig till att börja med. Vi betalade online, och fick ett bekräftelsemail med mycket liten information.... read more

avatar thumb Maddy H
January 1, 1970

star rating  Rekommenderar! - Jättebra guidad tur av Malmö! Intressant och rolig då man får veta saker om Malmö man aldrig hört om innan. Att den görs på cykel gör att man får se... read more

avatar thumb elsab1992
August 19, 2024

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Our guides and team members

Learn more about your tour guides

Our guides are very knowledgeable in their fields and when you book a guided tour, we handpick the guide that suits you best.

We provide a wide range of languages and currently have no less than 14 different languages. In addition, we have a nice collaboration with several guides who have other languages as a specialty. When you book your guided tour, tell us which language you want and we will gladly assist you in this.

Malmö is also a city with pulse, interesting building structure, exciting migration with different cultures, a history that extends slightly back in time with different connections. We have art, food and not least the future. What do you want to know about Malmö?

We wish you a warm welcome to the city we love and we will do everything to make you feel at home.

Best regards,

Malmö guided tours team